The Love Formula:

10 Sure-Fire Ways to Reignite the Intimacy in Any Marriage That Has Gone Cold

This three-module course provides you and your partner with 10 proven strategies that you can take action on and put the spice back into your everything nice. By the end of this course, you will be able to:
You will also receive worksheets to work through the module activities individually or collectively.

Discovering Your Communication Style

The Secret to Finding Your C-Spot

Have you struggled to figure out why people don’t quite understand you when you talk to them in your home or business? Do you find yourself repeating what you say time and time again? As a spouse, parent, company executive, friend, community leader or educator, do you ever wonder why people don’t respond when you communicate with them? This course will be your roadmap to “Cracking Your Communication C.O.D.E.” and move from confused to confident and clear when communicating with others in life and/or in business.

Relationship Reboot Clinic

This Masterclass allows you to process, plan, & improve valuable areas in your relationship with three powerful strategies.

Coming Off Mute Coaching Program

THIS IS A Super Fly Coaching Program

Your voice being muted out is like wearing an invisible mask or as if someone has put a “muzzle on your mouth.” Maybe your voice is on mute because you often feel misunderstood. Maybe it was silenced from a traumatic life experience; bad friendship, painful breakup, troubled marriage or divorce, childhood experience, etc. Maybe it started with you keeping quiet about things that matter to you for a few days, then weeks, months, and years went on by.

This coaching program will help to get you all the way together!